Don’t Worry. But Don’t Wait.
Should you be concerned? Perhaps. If you are concerned, call right away. If your child is on track, you’ll be reassured. If your child needs assistance, you’ll find out now, when it’s the best time to help!
- At 18 months, talk to your child’s doctor if toddler doesn’t know what familiar items are for, doesn’t point to show things to others, and does not copy others.
- At 2 years, talk to your child’s doctor if your toddler doesn’t know what to do with common things like a brush, phone, fork or spoon; doesn’t copy actions and words, or doesn’t follow simple instructions.
Get Support
Get a developmental screen: the Ages and Stages Questionnaire is a child development screener that allows you to check in on how your child is growing and learning.
Get A Developmental Screen